Recommendations for Policy Changes in Health Education & Social Emotional Learning
Recommendations & information about marijuana to Jeffco municipalities
Email Correspondence with City of Golden:
The CTC data report on youth is here. Additionally, the attached fact sheets provide data and perspectives on substance misuse. While the Jeffco CTC coalition generally does not take a stand regarding retail marijuana laws, we do strongly recommend that municipalities consider the following if they are legalizing retail sales in their community. These are recommended by CDPHE:
- Limitations on size and location of advertisements & signage to prevent advertising or appealing to youth.
- Restricting areas that they can be located away from schools, childcare, parks, rec centers and other locations were children and youth gather
- Social norming campaigns aimed at reducing perception that marijuana is harmless for youth and/or that most youth use, so it’s “normal.”
Increasing education about safe storage to protect children & pets. - Add local taxes and earmark them for prevention (see below for suggestions)
Further, as you may have seen in the Transcript, our youth—including Golden youth- recommended two policies that pertain to this issue and could logically be funded by taxes generated from taxes on marijuana:
- Social hosting liability for adults controlling property on which youth drink and consume marijuana
- Increasing hours of operation and access for safe spaces, such as libraries and rec centers