Policy to Shift Substance Availability

Policy and Substance Availability

Policy to Shift Substance Availability
Policy to Shift Substance Availability

Potential Policies to address Jeffco local conditions

Local condition: Youth get alcohol from siblings/ cousins over 21 years of age.
Increasing taxes on marijuana (and alcohol, possibly)

Increasing taxes on marijuana (and alcohol, possibly)

Enhancing existing policies prohibiting furnishing alcohol to minors

Enhancing existing policies prohibiting furnishing alcohol to minors


Alcohol Policy Information System here

WHO Best Buys Tackling Noncommunicable Disease (including alcoholism) here

BU Center on Alcohol Marketing & Youth here

Community Guide Excessive Alcohol Consumption here


Alcohol Policy Information System here

WHO Best Buys Tackling Noncommunicable Disease (including alcoholism) here

BU Center on Alcohol Marketing & Youth here

Community Guide Excessive Alcohol Consumption here

Want to see how prevalent alcohol advertising is in Jeffco? Check out this interactive Google Tour created by a youth intern that shows a snapshot of what teens are exposed to in their communities.

Local condition: Youth use substances in groups at single family, higher income private residences where adults are out of town or out for the night.
Key registrations &/or large quantity protocals

Key registrations &/or large quantity protocals

Social Hosting of Underage Substance Misuse Parties

Social Hosting of Underage Substance Misuse Parties

State & national data